Thursday, September 21, 2017

3 Recommended Methods How to Stop a Migraine

Migraine is an annoying headache which mostly happens to people without referring to any gender or age. Similar to the major types of headache, this kind of disease can be cured and stopped. In order to stop a migraine, you may need to take one of these methods.

How to Stop a Migraine

Taking Medication

The first effective method how to stop a migraine is taking medication. There are plenty kinds of medicine you can choose to stop your migraine. Ibuprofen and aspirin are two types of medicine from many kinds of effective medicine you can take after gaining migraine attack. Aside from those two types of medicine, there are still some other medicines which can be the other options. To get the one which fits to your condition and the symptoms of your migraine, you may need to ask for doctor prescription.

Keeping Your Body Hydrated and Relaxed

The next effective method you can do to stop your migraine is keeping your body hydrated and relaxed. One of many essential triggers of migraine is the unbalanced condition of the body due to dehydration and stressed. By referring to that kind of trigger of migraine, keeping your body hydrated and relaxed is very necessary to stop your migraine. To keep your body hydrated you need to take a lot of water daily. Further, to keep your body relaxed you can do some fun things, such as doing your hobby, doing yoga, taking body massage, and more.

Cold or Hot Therapy

Another effective method to stop migraine you may take is cold or hot therapy. Cold therapy is very effective to stop migraine as well as hot therapy. How to stop a migraine by taking cold therapy is very simple. You only need to make ice pack compress. Then, you can use the ice pack compress to compress the spot of your pain, such as your forehead and your neck. Meanwhile, for hot therapy, you can use lukewarm water to soak your feet or compress your head.


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